hyMap® - New Flash Management Technology
Extended device life-time, high-speed performance, optimized data reliability and power fail safety, reduced system costshyMap® is Hyperstone's enhanced FTL (Flash Translation Layer) mapping approach which significantly improves random write performances, reliability, and endurance. hyMap® permits using cost-efficient flashes. What are the benefits?
- Lower NAND flash wear-out
- Extended device life time
- Enabling MLC and TLC flashes for industrial storage applications
- High-speed performance, especially for small files and fragmented user data
- Improved Power-Fail robustness
- Lower random-write WAF (Write Amplification Factor)
- Higher Random-Write IOPS (Input/output per second)
- Optimal Interleaving
- No external DRAM/SRAM required

hyMap White Paper
Boards & Solutions article